An active antenna is an antenna that contains active electronic components, as opposed to typical passive components. A passive antenna typically resembles a dipole antenna. An active design allows the construction of antennas of limited size and / or wide frequency range, and are primarily used in situations where a simpler and more receptive large antenna is either impractical (inside a portable radio) or impossible (suburban residential area that disallows use of large outdoor low-frequency antennas). Most active antennas use antenna parts of minimal conducting area, e.g., a small whip, connected to the active component (usually a FET). The signal attenuation caused by the antenna-size-to-wavelength mismatch is compensated by an active circuit. The active circuit consists of an impedance translating stage and an optional amplification stage. This arrangement is especially useful for constructing compact low frequency antennas which, due to budgetary, spatial, or practical requirements (e.g., installation in vehicles), must be downsized. Low frequency signal wavelengths range from one to ten kilometers.〔Gentges, Frank. "The AMRAD Active LF Antenna." QST Sept. 2001: 31-37. Print.〕 Power for the active components may be supplied by batteries, a filtered power supply, or through the signal feeder itself (phantom power).〔Poole, Ian D. "Antenna Systems." Newnes Guide to Radio and Communications Technology. Amsterdam ; London: Newnes, 2003. Print. 〕 Antennas containing active impedance translating and optionally amplifying stages are usually used only for receiving, since operation of such stages is unidirectional. == See also == *Smart antenna 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Active antenna」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク